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Would you like a voice in making changes to the culture of Dubuque?  Do you think Dubuque has done enough or can do more to better itself and make a difference for all the citizens of Dubuque?  Do you have an opinion about what Dubuque can do or stop doing, in all facets of our City: government, corporations, organizations, the court system, population growth or decline, our neighborhoods, people in general?  Would you like a voice in helping shape climate awareness, social injustice reform, government reform?  Social awareness for mental health/suicide, homelessness, handicap/special needs,  socially deprived individuals in our city?


The topics are limitless for anyone with an idea or opinion about what Dubuque needs to do, or not do, or stop doing to,  for its citizens.  Veterans Day Should Be Every Day.  Right?  Of course.  We owe our everyday freedoms, that we may take for granted in our lives, to our Soldiers and Veterans. 


Blu Skye Productions is making this opportunity available to anyone with an idea or opinion to have a voice and having that voice be heard.  We are a local film production company located in Dubuque.  A few of our past films are:  Homeless Nation, Suicide Should Not Be An Option, Veterans   Yesterday  Today  Tomorrow,  Class Reunion 1969 - 50 year.  Other's  films we have worked on are: Ghost People: Seeing all the People (homelessness), The Forgiving and The Forgetting (Alzheimer's awareness).


There are several ways you can participate.  You can appear on film to speak your voice, or you can tell your story and we can have a narrator recite your message.  Your appearance in the film would be great but your name or image is not so necessary.  You will have the opportunity to view your edited part of the film and have final approval of your part in the film, before it goes before the public


If you are interested in having your voice as part of our current film production, What's Up With Dubuque, you can contact us at We look forward to hearing your ideas, concerns, and your  visions.  Your ideas, our ideas.  Your concerns, our concerns.  Your visions, our visions.  Your voice, our voice.

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Funding Invitation

Blu Skye Productions is a film production company located in Dubuque, Iowa.  We specialize in educational documentaries of social importance.  Some of our film productions are: Suicide Should Not Be An Option, a film about suicide and mental health.  It was viewed at Mindframe Theaters to a standing room audience on April 6, 2016.  Veterans  Yesterday Today Tomorrow was a presentation November 8, 2017 for Veterans Day to a near capacity audience. Another film was Homeless Nation showcased at the Heritage Center, University of Dubuque March 24, 2019.  We also have a music DVD on YouTube that we wrote and produced to help the school shooting victims called, But They're Gone.  Headphones are suggested for enhanced listening. The icon is a world with a fire under it.  It is under the name Roger Richard.


We also helped produce a film for Healing Moments Ministry called The Forgiving and the Forgetting, a documentary about Alzheimer and another film about people that are homeless, Ghost People: Seeing all the People commissioned by Dubuque Downtown Christian Outreach.


We are looking for philanthropists to help us fund our socially relevant documentaries   We have had very little financial support for our films and now that Mindframe is no longer a viable option to show our films, it is very difficult to showcase our movie productions.  Most of our documentary films are 45-60 minutes in length at a production cost of about $8,000 to $12,000.  Our 10 to 20 minute film production costs are $3,000 to $5,000.  We are not looking for any one specific person or entity to bear the cost of our films.  Several individuals could contribute any amount they feel necessary toward the success of our socially relevant  subject matter.  All of our films have been free admission.


The monetary contributors are titled as executive producer(s) at the beginning of the film or as contributors in the credits.  They have unlimited access to view the film at any time during production (on set during videotaping) and at post production editing, at their convenience.  Contributors also see the finished film before it is viewed by the public.  If you are interested or know someone who would like to contribute to the betterment of society through our films, please forward this information to them.  We have available, contact people that we have worked with and for, if you would like to talk to someone who has a knowledgeable understanding of what we are about.  We also have available a listing of films we have produced to date.


If you have any questions or comments, please contact us and we can set up a time to talk to you and let you know what our current and future projects are and answer any questions you and your group or organization may have.

Thank you very much.


Roger Richard

Blu Skye Productions


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