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Stop The Gun Violence In Our Schools 


We had a presidential candidate get shot on a Saturday night July 13, 2024. By Monday morning Congress was in their chambers, in their chairs calling this person to appear, calling that person to appear, telling one lady she is full of s-h-i-t, and nastily saying words like ‘that’s bull s-h-i-t’, screaming and yelling at this guy, yelling at this lady, calling them names, and getting very heated and very emotional about the Saturday night shooting calling it a disgrace among many other things   pause   but when it comes to school shootings, mall shootings, concert shootings, it’s like - nothing – not a big deal no heated conversations, no name callings, it’s simply - it’s too soon to talk about it, its thoughts and prayers!! Well let me tell them subhuman beings something, thoughts and prayers do not work they DO NOT WORK. We still have children dying in our schools – innocent children – our future – our hearts and our souls our precious Innocent little Human Beings. Parents do not    parents should not have to bury – their – children!! They say you can’t blame the gun  pause  maybe they’re right. But we can blame Congress, we should blame Congress, we will blame Congress. We will hold Congress accountable. Why? Because Congress - you have blood on your hands children’s blood, innocent children’s blood, our children’s blood it’s a blood stained Congress it’s a Congress of GREED, STUPIDITY, IGNORANCE, INTOLERANCE, LACK OF COMMOM-SENSE, LACK OF COMPASSION, GREED, SELF-INDULGENSE, JUST PLAIN IDIOCRACY and yes we can blame the gun too!


WE HAVE HAD MULTIPLE SCHOOL SHOOTINGS EVERY YEAR FOR THE PAST 25 YEARS. Can you honestly say it is never going to happen again? Most recently - Apalachee High School, Georgia - Sept 4, 2024: two students, two teachers died, many injured, everyone mentally scarred. Everyone    mentally scarred.


There have been 413 school shootings since 1999 and more than 378,000 students have experienced gun violence at their school since Columbine. Classrooms are for learning not for dying.






WHY DOES IT SEEM LIKE NOBODY CARES ABOUT SCHOOL SHOOTINGS ANYMORE? Everyone is out protesting their own causes, blocking traffic, neighborhood rioting, campus protests, etc., but when it comes to children getting slaughter at a fragile young age in what is suppose to be a safe environment, NOBODY CARES!!! Everyone is in their homes or workplace offering THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS. Here’s a news flash everyone, guess what - thoughts and prayers DON’T WORK!!! THOSE WORDS DO NOT WORK. Do something else ACT, show your undying support, LET US PROCEED BEYOUND WORDS. THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS DO NOT WORK! Do Something Else. God is not letting our children die, WE ARE!!! WE ARE! We are all Human Beings! CARING HUMAN BEINGS - LET’S ACT LIKE IT!


I recently saw an interview of Chuck Grassley. Iowa’s Senator, on gun control and background checks saying. “Obviously we have some background checks. It’s how encompassing you do it. Do you do it one father selling to a son? How do you cover everything? I think that’s the issue, and also the extent to which you have private sales on Sundays between relatives.”


Do you mean like selling guns at a family picnic or before or after Sunday worship service? One solution Senator Grassley, in my opinion, would be the same as if a father was selling a vehicle to his son; sales receipt, registration papers, title, insurance verification, proper training, responsibility, etc.


Someone once said to me, hammers kill people, should we outlaw hammers too? I simply stated, would you rather have someone coming at you with a hammer or an automatic weapon?


This is not difficult. This is not a difficult solution. Common sense is our weapon. Let’s put it to good use, our future, our children’s future is at risk. Their lives are at stake. Thoughts and prayers don’t work. Actions and perseverance works.



Just saying.

Education vs Prison


What is more important an athlete hitting a home run, scoring a touchdown, a three point basket or a student walking the stage to get her or his diploma?


About 75% of State prison inmates, almost 59% of Federal inmates, and 69% of jail inmates did not complete high school). About 35% of State inmates, 33% of Federal inmates, 22% of jail inmates, and 11% of probationers had successfully passed the GED.


The link between a poor education and incarceration is borne out in data. Dropouts are 3.5 times more likely to be arrested than high school graduates. Nationally, 68 percent of all males in prison do not have a high school diploma. May 16, 2014


Illiteracy Leads To Higher Recidivism Among U.S. Prisoners


High school dropouts are 3.5 times more likely than high school graduates to be arrested in their lifetime. High school dropouts are 63% more likely to be incarcerated than their peers with four-year college degrees. Jun 4, 2024 “There is a higher chance of the people who dropout [of high school] to go to prison because they don't have a high school education to get a higher paying job, so that results in deviant behavior,” senior Victoria Melton said. Mar 19, 2018


In terms of age, older students (ages 20 through 24) are at a greater dropout risk than students aged 15 through 17. A strong link exists between poverty and high school dropout rates. Students from low-income families dropped out of high school five times more than students from high-income families in 2009.


FBI violent crime statistics and US Census Bureau reports indicate that there is definitely a correlation between the number of people who do (or do not) attain a high-school diploma and/or post-secondary education and higher violent crime rates. California is one of the ten lowest-ranking states on the educational ... Jun 24, 2022


Low education and the percent of female-headed families correlated positively with the violent crime rate, and unemployment rates positively correlated with property crime. Only the percent of families below the poverty level positively correlated with both violent crime and property crime rates.


Poverty, crime, and education are linked in many ways: August 2, 2024


Poverty can lead to crime as a way to survive when basic needs are not met. People may commit theft or drug trafficking to feed themselves and their families.


Poverty can lead to inadequate education due to a lack of qualified schools. This can lead to fewer job opportunities, which can create a cycle of poverty and crime.


A lack of education can lead to fewer employment opportunities, which can lead to criminal behavior.


Schools in medium-poverty areas have fewer police-reported crimes than those in low- and high-poverty areas. However, children in lower-poverty schools may be exposed to more violence or criminal acts on their way to school.


Early childhood intervention can increase a child's social and cognitive ability, which can increase their potential for development and educational attainment.


Justice system intervention can be effective in preventing offending and conviction if it is part of a broader strategy that includes increasing educational attainment, reducing child poverty, and improving adolescent health.


We have known about this problem, this dilemma, this understanding for years, for decades! Why haven’t we done anything about this, why haven’t we solved this problem or even made significant changes to help these individuals and communities crisis? Where is the disclosure, the reporting, the acknowledgment, the response to the programs that are truly needed to better society; and to help and guide our citizens in need and our communities? We have the knowledge, we have the funding, and we are a very wealthy nation. Where and what are our priorities? Education is knowledge and knowledge helps us make better decisions and a better life. There are no reasons why we cannot improve the quality of life for everyone - our friends, our neighbors, our citizens in need – that are less fortunate than we are and deserve the same respect and quality of life as us.

Just saying


Bureau of Justice Statistics (.gov) › News Center › in the Medi › blogs › news › prison-illiteracy › opinion › 2018/03/19 › high-s. › school-dropout-prevention

The Clear Correlation Between Education and CrimeIs

Is there any connection between poverty crime and education?



The Two Party System


POLITICIANS CANNOT AND DO NOT RELATE TO EVERYDAY AMERICANS because they do not live amongst us and do not experience the same challenges in life that we do. They live in a different world than we do. THEY LIVE IN A TOTALLY DIFFERENT REALITY. They do not feel our pain, they do not experience our sorrow and our suffering, they are not neighbors or community members of the victims of shootings, scams, physical abuse, they live in a bubble, in their secure, protected false reality, in their affluent neighborhoods – they are not (one of) us WE THE PEOPLE. What they do is to - SEND TO US THEIR THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS. Well THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS IS OLD AND WORN OUT – THOSE are HOLLOW WORDS. THOSE WORDS DO NOT WORK ANYMORE – THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS DO NOT WORK – WE THE PEOPLE need more and better - more than hollow words and better – a better effort and commitments from our leaders, from our politicians – we need hallowed words not hollow words – hallowed words, words that are revered and honored.


All the Dems care about is the Dems – Unity of all members. All the Pubs care about is the Pubs – Unity of all members. It should be, but it is not Unity of our Country. Politician’s primary focus should be unifying our Country, what is good for our Country - not what is good for their Party. The two party system is not working.


There is nothing wrong with Miss Harris, she is smart, she is intelligent, she is attractive, she is educated, and she is a very good speaker. There is nothing wrong with her EXCEPT the fact that - SHE IS A POLITICIAN. Kamala Harris is a Career Politician. Does she live next door to you? NO she does not, she lives like many other POLITICIANS, in a very, very nice house and it’s not located downtown, or in our neighborhood, it’s not anywhere near our neighborhood.


Pubs hate Dems and Dems hate Pubs. Don’t let them tell you different. They live with two different FACES, a cordial face when they are casually talking to us and a loathing face when they are negotiating for power, for control. Neither side wants the other side to win - usually at all costs. Each side wants the POWER, the Power to RULE, the Power to Decide (the Power to Decide what is Right for you – what Rights you Deserve). Each side wants the Power to Control to be in Control to make all the Decisions and Policies that they think ‘You Deserve’. No, politicians do not feel our pain. Politicians do not live our pain. Do politicians struggle with grocery bills, gas and electric bills, insurance premiums. rent, car payments and book fees? I don't think so.


Do POLITICIANS still believe in the Constitution? Do they even know what the Constitution stands for anymore or who the Constitution is for? Let us remind them. It says, We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish Justice, to ensure domestic tranquility, … do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America (The Preamble). Our Constitution states: We the People, not We the corporations, not We the government, not We the anybody else. And in the second paragraph of our Declaration of Independence it reads:


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, … This Declaration states, the government is deriving their 'just powers' from the 'consent of the governed' - WE THE PEOPLE. Unalienable means cannot be taken away, God-given Rights. Marriem-Webster's definition says, impossible to take away or give up.


The Political system is broken, the two party political system is broken and out of order, not working efficiently or competently, the system is in chaos. They are constantly bickering and fighting in their ‘power’ struggle. They are like combatants in a war over power, control, authority, and greed. Some are acting like spoiled rotten brats, some are acting like statesman and stateswomen with an illicit, dishonest scheme, some are flat out liars, disingenuous, deceitful, hypocritical and do not deserve to be serving their people and our Country.


Our political system is in shambles. It has been going down-hill every year since the early 1980’s. The last time when America has witness any kind of respectability from our politicians, when politicians even remotely worked together, was when Ronald Reagan was President and Tip O’Neil was Speaker of the House (except for 9-11). The two party system has been going down-hill ever since. Our current politicians are out to destroy each other and control the government and control the lives of all American citizens. It is shameful what our politicians are doing to our Democracy. It is disgraceful and dishonorable what our politicians are doing to our most vulnerable citizens - the elderly, the poor, the homeless, our Veterans, students, our disabled Veterans, women, children, and people with disabilities. To be continued

Just sayin.





THE two political parties are currently concerned about the illegal immigrant Human Beings that are crossing our southern border. The Dems and Pubs are fighting a painful, excruciating, ‘War of Words’ and ‘Rhetoric’ with no regards to fact, honesty, and common sense.


While these politicians are so concerned about our southern border crossings, they could care less about foreign money crossing our borders and entering into our political elections. Why, because they are benefiting and prospering from this fallacy and hypocrisy.


The Pubs and Dems are benefiting from these (foreign?) money contributions of very large amounts that are meant to buy an election, in my opinion anyway. PACs and super PACs can contribute vast sums of money toward elections without disclosing who or where the campaign contributions come from. This was made possible with the U S Supreme Court’s ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, January 21, 2020. A 5–4 majority of the Supreme Court sided with Citizens United, ruling that corporations and other outside groups can spend unlimited money on elections.


This Ruling opened the doors for millions of dollars of ‘dark money’ for candidates and political parties. Dark money is campaign contributions from sources that are unknown and these contributions do not have to be disclosed to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) or to the public.


While wealthy donors, corporations, and special interest groups have long had an outsized influence in elections, that sway has dramatically expanded since the Citizens United decision, with negative repercussions for American democracy and the fight against political corruption.


With its decision, the Supreme Court overturned election spending restrictions that date back more than 100 years. Previously, the court had upheld certain spending restrictions, arguing that the government had a role in preventing corruption. But in Citizens United, a bare majority of the justices held that “independent political spending” did not present a substantive threat of corruption, provided it was not coordinated with a candidate’s campaign.


Traditional PACs are permitted to donate directly to a candidate’s official campaign, but they are also subject to contribution limits, both in terms of what they can receive from individuals and what they can give to candidates. For example, PACs are only permitted to contribute up to $5,000 per year to a candidate per election. In the 2010 case v. FEC, however, a federal appeals court ruled — applying logic from Citizens United — that outside groups could accept unlimited contributions from both individual donors and corporations as long as they don’t give directly to candidates. Labeled “super PACs,” these outside groups were still permitted to spend money on independently produced ads and on other communications that promote or attack specific candidates.


Super PAC money started influencing elections almost immediately after Citizens United. From 2010 to 2018, super PACs spent approximately $2.9 billion on federal elections. Notably, the bulk of that money comes from just a few wealthy individual donors. In the 2018 election cycle, for example, the top 100 donors to super PACs contributed nearly 78 percent of all super PAC spending.


Citizens United allowed big political spenders to exploit the growing lack of transparency in political spending. This has contributed to a surge in secret spending from outside groups in federal elections. Dark money expenditures increased from less than $5 million in 2006 to more than $300 million in the 2012 election cycle and more than $174 million in the 2014 midterms. In the top 10 most competitive 2014 Senate races, more than 71 percent of the outside spending on the winning candidates was dark money. These numbers actually underestimate the impact of dark money on recent elections, because they do not include super PAC spending that may have originated with dark money sources, or spending that happens outside the “electioneering communications window” 30 days before a primary or 60 days before a general election.


Finally, because they can hide the identities of their donors, dark money groups also provide a way for foreign countries to hide their activity from U.S. voters and law enforcement agencies. This increases the vulnerability of U.S. elections to international interference.

 The Brennan Center for Justice at New York University School of Law is a liberal or   progressive nonprofit law and public policy institute. The organization is named after       Supreme Court Justice William J. Brennan Jr. Wikipedia


This is not a healthy environment for our Democracy and for our Federal Election system. This gives a disgraceful resemblance of a bought and paid for Federal Election system. Are politicians selling election favors and preferential influences to the highest donors and contributors? Politicians have also been beseeching the public and PACs, while campaigning for nearly two years for money contributions and in-kind contributions. These appeals and pleading for money for their campaigns ads gets very annoying and exasperating month after month after month.


If there is any hint of or reason to believe there is election fraud in our elections - this is very clearly it; ‘Dark Money’, secret donor’s money; Foreign money? Just saying.


Forbes reported that Dems raised $47 million in 24 hours after the [September] debate in addition to the $361 million raised by the Dems in August.


The Biden/Harris campaign committee raised $516.8 million and Trump’s committee raised $268.5 million in total between January 2023 and July 31, 2024. 


The top 10 super PACs supporting Trump, according to Forbes, have collectively raised approximately $305.6 million since the beginning of the year, and $199.2 million raised by the top 10 PACs supporting Harris.



Is there something better we can put this more than 1¼ billion dollars toward? Maybe put it towards our national debt, suicide prevention and awareness, college tuition, school shooting prevention, education, elderly assistance, and the list goes on and on. What are our Country’s biggest needs? What are our priorities? Bill Maher stated on his show, Political ad market predicts a record $16 billion will be spent in 2024. Is this really necessary, $16 billion just for advertising? Is this reality? Do politicians realize what they are doing? When do we stop this?


I have a modernization campaign election plan that would eliminate fraud, and hopefully get everyone of voting age involved and participating in voting their conscience. This is my plan:


Election date will be changed from the first Tuesday in November to the first full weekend in October. Poll opening times will be staggered so the whole Country starts voting and finishes voting at the same time. Voting will start Friday morning 6 am West Coast time (9 am East Coast) and will end Sunday night 6:00 pm West Coast time (9 pm East Coast).


Seven months will be allowed for individual party elections and three months for the presidential general election for a total of ten (10) months of campaigning. No more two years of election advertising, fund raising, TV commercials, etc. Anyone campaigning earlier will be fined, or imprisoned, or barred from the election, or all of the above.


Each candidate will be allotted X amount of campaign dollars for campaigning in each state and candidate will not be allowed to use funds of one state for another state. Unused funds will go back to the Election Campaign Fund. There will be no direct or indirect campaigning or contributions of any kind by any outside individual or entity what-so-ever for any individual or party who is running for political office.


There will be no private fund raising of any kind allowed by any candidates. There will be a National Election Campaign Contribution Fund distributed to and for all candidates running for public office generated from every American citizen every year as follows:


          $1,000,000  from billionaires

            100,000     from multi-millionaires

            1,000         from millionaires

             500           from the wealthy

            100            from the upper middle class

             50             from the middle class

             20             from the lower middle class

             1               from the poor


These funds will be distributed equally to candidates.  If you can run a successful campaign on a fixed amount of dollars, then you are qualified to run our Country. No more ‘buying the Office’.


Every American citizen is contributing to the election process. Hopefully they will take an interest, be cognizant of their responsibility, put their money to good use, and vote. The weekend voting will be conducive to the entire families taking part in the election process. Government transportation will be available free of charge to the elderly, persons with disabilities, and others in need of transportation.


There will be no need for mail-in ballots or early voting, except military personnel, those who maybe out of Country, those hospitalized, incarcerated and other similar circumstances.


There may be no further need for the Electoral College system, each state is funded equally and proportionately. The rules and regulations for the Presidential candidates will be uniform in all 50 states. Paper ballots will be the standard procedure for electing the President and Vice President eliminating computer glitches, breakdowns, and hacking.


The only significant fraud in our Election system is ‘Dark Money’ – PACs and super PACs. The reconstruction of our Campaign Election system is a new and important path to protect the integrity of our Democratic Election process and our Constitution. More to come

Just saying





I am glad most everyone has stopped talking about defunding the police and law enforcement. There are far, far too many good, dedicated, law enforcement persons in our Country. If it were not for the ‘good cops’, society would self-destruct. There are some self-serving law enforcement personnel, but not as many as exaggerated, but more than we think.


What we should look at is deprogramming some of the law enforcement training techniques. When you give anyone person, any employee a uniform it seems to empower them. When you add a badge and a gun, it seems to empower them even more.


We need to convey the fact that law enforcement persons are ‘civil servants’ not a person with power who can abuse this empowerment. We also need better communications within the structure of law enforcement so innocent people do not have to needlessly die, exs. George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tyre Nichols.


Law enforcement is a tough job, a dangerous job, a very dangerous job. America needs to accept and appreciate the ‘good cop’ who puts their well being on the line of duty every day, every hour, every minute, trying to protect their fellow citizens and their communities. I do not think that most people understand the duress, the pressures that law enforcement is under every day and night when performing their civic duties. Far too many good, precious, innocent people – law enforcement and citizens alike - have died, needlessly.


One thing I would like to address is the training law enforcement goes through. When training to protect themselves from a knife, hammer, club, or gun attack, the right to ‘kill’ an alleged lawbreaker is not always warranted. There are times when shooting a person in the legs, arms, hands, shoulder, or foot can be just as effective and can save a life especially if it is a menial offence or if the victim was innocent. The thought of shooting a person to control the situation rather than to eliminate the person and situation is warranted when in training.


There has been talk and suggestions to send mental health social workers to a call for a mentally ill person who seems to be a danger to the public, to society. I am not sure this is a good idea. First and foremost, I don’t think this is a very good idea. I don’t think a social worker would want to approach a situation where his or her life would be in danger. I am sure they have no training for life threatening conditions. And I don’t think we need social workers carrying weapons to defend themselves with little or no training. 


In today’s society, I think law enforcement should have more specialized training in working with mental health conditions or maybe a special task force for these special, sensitive situations. Mentally challenged people are still Human Beings. Instead of taking money away from law enforcement – defunding police – we should be giving what-ever resources law enforcement needs to have the proper, professional, training and the means to address sensitive life threatening and life saving situations at any and all costs to save Human Beings lives.


Shooting to disarm a suspect rather than to kill a suspect would be better in many ways including the fact that someone did not have to die, and preventing the controversy surrounding the killing of innocent people, innocent victims.


I have seen law enforcement in action. It is a very tense, stressful, unforgiving job. I have the utmost respect for law enforcement. The ‘good cops’ who are out to serve Humanity and protect our well being deserves undeniable recognition and the utmost respect from society. I have seen how they perform their passion and dedication to protect society. It is a job, a dangerous job that I would not want to do. To be continued

Just sayin






The purpose of this Bureau is to give to THE PEOPLE control over their lives concerning scams, fraud, and unethical acts by commercial and corporate businesses, the government, and ill-gained opportunities of foreign entities affecting the lives and the standards of living of all Americans.




There will be eight support divisions which will be laid out to coincide with the current 4 times zones horizontally, divided vertically from West to East through the middle of America using the States as the North and South border thus creating the eight Regional Sub Divisions. Divisions 1, 2, 3, and 4 will be the West Regional Sub Divisions and 5, 6, 7, and 8 will be the East Regional Sub Divisions.


Each division will elect a chair person and a vice chairperson to oversee the meetings. The vice chairperson will take detailed minutes of all meetings including each person in attendance and forward the minutes the day after each meeting to the National Headquarters.


The Sub Divisions will gather any and all information of issues concerning Americans and discuss these issues at length and place each issue in order of value and importance to society.

The eight Regional Sub Divisions will report all issues and concerns to their respective West and East Division Bureaus with their results and conclusions at the end of each month.


The West and East Division Bureaus will receive and review the issues and information from each Regional Sub Division and place a value priority on each issue. The Division Bureaus will then report their findings of all issues and concerns to the Bureau of Grass Roots Consumer Protections National Headquarters, Washington D. C., at the end of each month after the East/West Divisions evaluated and finalized their reports from the Regional Sub Divisions.


The Bureau of Grass Roots Consumer Protections, National Headquarters will address each issue and concern received from the Division Bureaus and prioritize the issues and concerns and report directly to the President.


The Regional Sub Divisions will have 20 committee members each, the East and West Divisions will have 25 committee members each, and the National Headquarters will have 25 members to review the West Division issues and concerns and 25 members to review the East Division issues and concerns and there will be 20 members to finalize the combined East and West member results to send to the President.




Every citizen of the United States who earns less than $250 thousand dollars ($249,000 and less) per year will be eligible to submit their name to a computer listing to determine who will be on the committees in each of the division.


The minimum age to serve on any of the committees will be 16 years old.


The names will be randomly chosen by the computer at the National Headquarters for each division.


New committee members will be randomly chosen every year from the computer data base.


Every member will be courteous and respectful to each member.


Committee members will meet once a week for 1-2 hours each month of their one year term, by zoom or in person.


Members will decide what the most important issues and concerns are to pursue for America and its citizens, to be addressed and investigated for the protective rights of all Americans.


They choose and rate the relevant issues in today’s society to present to their Division Bureau.


There will be a designated pay scale for each member to be determined at a later date.




The East and West Divisions will meet once a week, for 1-2 hours and review the issue and concern recommendations from their Regional Sub-Divisions. They will rate the relevant issues and concerns concerning society.


They are not bound totally to choose the top issues or concerns. If they feel another issue or two is more important or relevant, they can substitute issues and concerns as needed.


The West and East Divisions will prioritize and submit their recommended issues and concerns to the National Headquarters, Washington D. C.




The National Committee will review and evaluate the issues and concerns and then recommend issues and concerns for the President to act upon.




The President assigns the relevant and important issues accordingly and will be reported back to periodically of the progress and various stages completed by the assignees. To be continued​

Just sayin



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