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Hi my name is Roger D Richard.  I am from Dubuque Iowa and I would like to announce I am challenging our current leadership of both parties for the Presidency of our Country.  I am an Independent candidate and a Vietnam Era Veteran.  I was West Point Academy eligible and have nine years of advanced education.  I earned Phi Theta Kappa recognition and was on the Honor Roll and Deans List most of my college semesters.  I am currently a filmmaker and a school bus driver of 17 years.


I have studied at University of Dubuque, Loras College, Clark University, NICC and NITI at various times from 1980 through 2014.  I have degrees in Marketing, Management, Advertising, Media Studies, and Business Specialist, and certificates in Tourism, and Building Construction.  I was one of a few soldiers, in my company, eligible for attendance at West Point Academy but the nine year commitment was an obstacle for me. I have been self employed and am currently self employed as a filmmaker.


I am not a politician. I am an everyday, hardworking, ordinary, American citizen who believes in America and just wants to make a positive difference for all American citizens and improve their daily health, wealth, and well being. I am very capable of leading our Country out of this political and social dilemma we find ourselves in.  With the help of everyday American citizens, the backbone of our Country, we can reverse our Country’s sad and worsening state of affairs. We The People are ready, willing, and up to the challenge to lead our Country.  Our time is now.


People are ready for real change. People are so angry and frustrated; they are turning to violence, all across our Country, for decades. They want a leader - of the people, for the people, and by the people. I am that leader.  I have been contemplating this campaign since 2011. I have had this platform in place since the spring of 2012.  For information on my platform please visit, Just Sayin page.


Some of my major issues are Free Education, Equal Pay, Equal Rights, and Health Care.  My major concerns for all Americans are Dignity, Hope, Unity, Justice and living in a fair and just world.  These are included in my first message to America, American Dream 1 on YouTube,


I represent millions of people, millions and millions of everyday people. I am just like millions of people who are struggling for economic equality, people who are angry and fed up with our pathetic election nonsense and Government Representatives who have their own interests and agendas different from the people they are suppose to be representing.  This political posturing and artificial pretentiousness couldn’t be more visible than it is now on a national level.


Not everyone in our society is poor, but many are living poor. Too many people are living poor. This has to stop. We need to change this social plague and have an equal playing field for everyone to grow and prosper. We need to destroy the barriers, all the barriers, that are preventing everyday American citizens from reaching their full potential.


We need serious reform to the three branches of our government.  Everyone needs to take responsibility for our dire conditions we are currently living in, some more than others.


As long as we have our pride, our dignity, our self-respect, we are very wealthy people. We need to preserve Human Dignity, for all,  forever.


I Roger Richard thank you very much for your interest and would very much like your support.




I’ve had many influences in my life, many important, significant, life changing, and life learning experiences that had a great impact on my life and in my life. Life isn’t always easy. It takes many trials and errors and dedication to be a truly good, productive, responsible person. Some people are not blessed, or are unable, incapable, powerless, physically and/or mentally challenged of learning or of having the knowledge, education, culture, or wisdom of significant life changing understandings of the quality of life. Appreciation is truly a cornerstone in anyone’s life.


My role models and curators of my life have been my family, my mother and father without a doubt and my sisters, my children, and relatives. There were many friends that had a significant positive role in my life. Besides my loving mother and father there were other factors that played a considerable noteworthy role in shaping, influencing, and determining my existence as a Human Being.


My mother and father raised our family with Love, understanding, and music. My parents often told my sisters and me; you don’t have to like someone but you dam well better respect them. We lived our lives under the umbrella of Love, trust, faith, hopes, respect, and kindness.


Love, unconditional love, is the utmost greatest, highest important quality of a life a Human Being can be blessed with. Knowing that there is nothing more important than to nurture, to cherish and treasure an extension, a part of a mother and fathers own body and soul; which is the foundation of a family’s past, present, and future. A condition for life that can be the bedrock of hopes, dreams, ideals, principles, and moral and ethical aspirations of one’s life.


The understanding that life is more than themselves and that their children’s well being is the imperative, truly essential reason for living. The understanding for being fair, reasonable, logical, rational, practical, realistic, sensible, dependable and the understanding that a child knows they are loved and cared for. The understanding that others are not as blessed, as fortunate as we are and others are more blessed and fortunate than we are. We need to cherish the understanding of respect for others that are more or less fortunate than we are and appreciate the fact that we are all equal under the principles of Love and Understanding.


Music poetry etc is another monumental factor in my life. Music can be one of the most influential experiences a person can have in their life. Movies, the film industry, is another influence but not as prominent as music. You have in the beginning bluegrass music that change people’s thinking and appreciation of life, also the blues and gospel music that was born in the cotton fields and evolved out of the plantations, and the merging of blues and rock and roll.


The Beatles changed music forever, opened many doors and the creative minds of musicians. Bob Dylan - Woody Guthrie - and his mentors and heroes created a new culture and opened many expressions of mind. And Bruce Springsteen, amongst others, wrote and sang about life as it is and what it is: The truth of life and the reality of life: The good and the not so good of life.  He bears witness to truths and realities of Human Nature. He looks at life and our world with wisdom and the perception of scholarly logic, understanding of hard times and good times. Many have done this, are doing this, and will do this into the future. Not many will be as successful nor have the perspective that the Boss has entered our lives with. His heart and soul and humility has entered our universe as not many other have.


Bruce is not only living our dreams he is living, taking, and singing of our reality - for decades. Many musicians have enhanced our lives and opened many doors to making the many changes toward a positive quality in our lives. Music and poetry can be the wisdom of our souls and the gateway to our hearts.


There are many poets, musicians, and inspirational speakers that have had and are still impacting our lives, our hearts, and souls in a positive way. Life is a journey that connects us with many, many people in our world. The love we share and contribute to society determines the direction of our world, of our future, and the ultimate inspiration to the well being of mankind. Just saying.


If it were not for the good people of our world, our world would self-destruct.

                                                                                            Author unknown


What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

                                                                                                                          Walt Emerson


If you do not hope, you will not find what is beyond your hopes.

                                                         St. Clement of Alexandria


Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart.

Who looks outside, dreams, who looks inside awakens.

                                                                  Carl Gustav

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