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Hi my name is Roger Richard.  I am from Dubuque Iowa and I am participating in the 2024 election for President of the United States.  I tried going through mainline media and non mainline media.  It seems apparent to me the national media wants to dictate to the American public who should be President of America.  Similar to what the Democratic National Committee is trying to do as well the Republicans.  I am an Independent candidate and a Veteran.  I do not like what the Republicans are doing and I do not like what the Democrats are doing either. 


So I am going straight to    ‘WE   THE   PEOPLE’   with my message of   Hope and Perseverance.


I am a Vietnam Era Veteran.  I was West Point Academy eligible and have nine years of advanced education.  I earned Phi Theta Kappa recognition and was on the Honor Roll and Deans List most of my college semesters.  I am currently a filmmaker and a school bus driver of 17 years.  I have been working on this campaign since 2011.


I am not a politician. I am an everyday, hardworking, ordinary, American citizen who believes in America and just wants to make a positive difference for all American citizens and improve their daily health, wealth, and well being. I am very capable of leading our Country out of this political and social dilemma we find ourselves in.  I can not do it alone but with the help of everyday American citizens, the backbone of our Country, we can reverse our Country’s sad and worsening state of affairs.     We    The   People   are ready, willing, and up to  the challenge to lead our Country.  Our time is now.


If you remember one thing let it be: First and foremost, we are all Human Beings,  we are all citizens of our Country,  we all have our own identity and ethnicity, and  we are male and female.  These are the most important qualities of a person.  Then we can label ourselves however: Dems, Pubs, rich, poor, religion, old, young etc. in any order we choose.


Secondly, Respect is the only Avenue that will bring us together as a Country.  My parents told us often, you don’t have to like someone, but you dam well better Respect them.  As a Country, we do not need vitriol and damnation or sore losers.  We all want Peace, Love, and Harmony for our Country.  The bridge for Peace, Love, Harmony, to Respect is Understanding.  We need to practice compassion, empathy, humility, and intelligence to be the Great Nation we all want.


Be the Change You Want to See.



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Which mountain would you rather climb?


El Capitan



Washington  D C



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