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Presidential Platform

Campaign Election Reform


Election date will be changed to the first full weekend in October. Poll opening times will be staggered so the whole Country starts and finishes at the same time. Voting will start Friday morning 6 am West Coast time (9 am East Coast) and end Sunday night 6:00 pm West Coast time (9 pm East Coast).

Seven months will be allowed for party elections and three months for the presidential election for a total of ten (10) months of campaigning. No more two years of election advertising etc. Anyone campaigning earlier will be fined, or imprisoned, or barred from the election or all of the above.

There will be no fund raising allowed by any candidates. There will be a National Election Campaign Fund Contribution generated from every American citizen every year as follows:


$1,000,000 from billionaires

      100,000  from multimillionaires

            1,000  from millionaires

                500  from the wealthy

                100  from the upper middle class

                  50  from the middle class

                  20  from the lower middle class

                     1  from the poor


These funds will be distributed equally to candidates.  If you can run a successful campaign on a fixed amount of dollars, then you are qualified to run our Country. No more buying the Office.

Every American citizen is contributing to the election process. Hopefully they will take an interest, be cognizant of their responsibility, put their money to good use, and vote. This weekend voting will be conducive to families taking part in the election process.


Supreme Court Reform


The United States Supreme Court will be appointed under different but similar rules as of Congress. There will be a reasonable and specific time table and guidelines for ‘appointing and confirming a Supreme Court Justice’.  Anyone who rules a corporation is a person, a human being, does not and should not be entitled to a life-time job as a Supreme Court Judge.


A Supreme Court Judge will be appointed by the President and confirmed by Congress. Every four years they will be evaluated by a review panel and either - be removed, be limited to a one or two year evaluation, or given another four years on the Court. Most judges rule on party line affiliations most of the time. Some judges all the time. Judges should be ruling for its citizen’s rights and Constitution not its party affiliation or corporations.


Another remedy to reform the Supreme Court would be to expand to a 15 panel Court.  It would then be difficult for any party to stack the Court.  


Health Care Reform


There is a God given right for a healthy life. Our water is contaminated, our air is polluted, and with all the chemicals, preservatives, and artificial ingredients in our Earth and food, sickness is almost certain. A healthy Country is a much better Country. Congress will come up with a National Health Care program twelve months after I am sworn in as President of the United States because their tax payers’ health care plan will be rescinded and they will have the same opportunity for health care as every American citizen they represent.  If they have a private health care plan their private health care plan will be exposed.


Mental health care will be covered under the National Health Care Program and will be a number one priority. A mentally stable country is a much safer country. Mental health care will be treated like physical health care. Same day treatment and immediate access to a mental health care doctors, who will be subsidized. Advance mental health research will be prioritized.


If Congress doesn't like the Affordable Care Act (Obama Care 2010) they can change it to make it better or they can shut up. They had years and years, a decade, to come up with a health care plan of their own and they have not and most probably will not.




Every American born citizen should be entitled to be educated. An educated country is a better country. Every citizen will have the opportunity to free elementary, high school, and college education.


Any athlete earning twenty plus million dollars per year belongs in a fairy tale. This is not reality. Especially when we have very poor people, including teachers, struggling to make ends meet or living on a week to week and sometimes a day to day basis. Athletes, sports owners, agents, and other sports related business people will be mandated to contribute to an Education Fund which will be; a payment to this fund of ninety (90) percent on any income, gratitude(s), or any other monetary value over 2 million dollars per year. This includes advertising and sponsorship earnings and any other form of income. This money will go to support the education system. Peyton Manning earned $24 million one season and did not play one second that year, the next year signed a $96 million, 5 year contract. He also admonished his image for millions of dollars more, outside of football.  Many players, agents and owners, are making millions and billions of dollars per year.  This is beyond words to explain how unreal, surreal, and ridiculously preposterous this is.  This is millions and millions of dollars of dead money. It will never get spent. How many millions of dollars does a person need to live on?


Free tuition, teachers pay, school infrastructure, and educational materials will be the beneficiary of this Fund.  We need to recruit the best teachers, not the best sport players, for top salaries.


Consumers Rights


Businesses caught defrauding the consumer, the CEO or owner will spend 12 months in prison. (not a country club) If a product is altered in any way, the consumer should and will be notified by the business. Less product, bigger box less product, less or change of ingredient, ex., reducing quantity or volume in a package using the same size package and not informing the consumer. When there is twenty-five percent more in the package they advertise this, when there is twenty-five percent less they don't.  Deceptive marketing and advertising practices will not be tolerated.


Handicap Veterans will be employed to operate a call-in center for a National Consumer Suggestion and Complaint Department. We need to provide better health care and jobs for our Veterans. This should and will be a priority. Wealthy campaign donors will pay millions of dollars to politicians but don't care about our Veterans and the PTSD crisis we are in.  All companies and corporations will provide a telephone number and a human being to take consumer calls concerning complaints.  No more 5 minute, 4 or 5 press this number for..., process to talk to someone.


McKesson Corporation and other pharmaceutical corporations were caught gouging the Federal Government and consumer illegally for pharmaceutical cost is one example. They paid a fine which may have been less than their profit and admitted no wrong.  Epi Pen another example. No more settling out of Court with monetary fines, which is passed on to the consumer.  Jail time will be punishment.


A consumer Bill of Rights is in order.       Of the People    For the People    By the People


Water Rights


Water, some day in the not too distant future, will be our most precious, sought after commodity. Water will be far more expensive than fossil fuel.  We cannot manufacture water.


Water preservation should be foremost in all Americans mind. We should be conscious of preserving water coming out of our faucets, the water we waste when first turning on our faucets. We should also be cognizant of water conservation coming out of our water spigots for lawn and garden care. One way is to capture and use rain water.  A new and practical irrigation systems is another concept. And to stop polluting our water.


Water and water rights will be controlled by the Federal Government. T. Boone Pickens (1928-2019) will not be owning, regulating, or controlling water rights. The thought of owning water is like the thought of owning air.  Pickens once said, If you think water should be free, wait till we don't have any.




Robots will be value taxed on what a human being would have earned in wages, social security, and what they would have spent on groceries, loans, entertainment, bills, and other expenses a real person would have spent. There will be an assessment of social value loss placed on the robots ownership. Corporations and companies who send jobs overseas will have a value assessment placed on them for tax revenue lose and consumer spending lose.




Congress listens to their corporate lobbyist donor friends to make and pass laws; Presidential candidates have staff members and advisers to help form their platform, policies, and performance to the public. My advisers will be from the American people, the hard working people who are the backbone of our country. We together will make the decisions that will be fair and equal to all Americans.  Politicians will be banned for life from lobbyism.  Lobbyist groups will be outlawed.  Everything will be above board and out in the open for everyone to see.




We have had 17 Amendments added to our original Bill of Rights (1792).  This is not fake news.  We can and do make our Country better through Amendments to our Bill of Rights.  We can and will make our country better through Amendments.    Be the change you want to see.


The United States of America is at one of its lowest points, if not its lowest point of our Country’s history.  We are self destructing.  We are embarrassing ourselves as we are close to being a third world Government.  We cannot bail ourselves out of this economic and social dilemma we are in.  We have sent millions and billions of dollars overseas to help other countries, but we cannot give ourselves the necessary, basic, critical, assistance for our survival and existence of our most vulnerable people and our failing economy.  The foundation to build our economy and our Country should be from a 'trickle up' perspective.  As our working class prosper, so does our economy, our Country.


When this crisis is over billionaires will still be billionaires and multi-millionaires will still be multi-millionaires.  Every day we ask ourselves; how can it get any worse than this?  Unfortunately it does.  America and its citizens deserve better than this.


Abraham Lincoln once said, “America will never be destroyed from the outside.  If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”


I believe the self destruction has begun.   Time for serious change.     Of the People    For the People    By the People   


Thank you for your interest and support.


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